

Marilyn Kallet recently served two terms as Knoxville Poet Laureate, June 27, 2018-July 2020. She is the author of 19 books, including Even When We Sleep, 2022 and How Our Bodies Learned, 2018, poetry from Black Widow Press. She has translated Paul Eluard’s Last Love Poems and Benjamin Péret’s The Big Game, among others. Dr. Kallet is Professor Emerita at the University of Tennessee, where she taught for 37 years. She also hosted poetry workshops and residencies for the Virginia Center for the Creative Arts, in Auvillar, France, from 2009-2018. She has performed her poems across the United States as well as in France and Poland, as a guest of the U.S. Embassy’s “America Presents” program. Her poetry appeared recently in Still: The Journal of Appalachia, Plume and 101 Jewish Poems for the Third Millennium, among others. She is the author of two children’s books, Jack the Healing Cat and One For Each Night: Chanukah Tales and Recipes, Celtic Cat Publishing.


      • Even When We Sleep. Black Widow Press, 2022.
      • How Our Bodies Learned. Black Widow Press, 2018. (poetry)
      • Disenchanted City. Chantal Bizzini. Co-edited with JB. Anderson; co-translated with Anderson and D. Jackson, Black Widow Press, 2015.
      • The Love that Moves Me.  Black Widow Press, 2013. (poetry)
      • Trans. The Big Game.  Benjamin Péret.  Black Widow Press, 2011.
      • Packing Light: New and Selected Poems. Black Widow Press, 2009. (poetry)
      • The Movable Nest: A Mother/Daughter Companion.  co-ed. K.S.Byer Helicon Nine Editions, 2007.
      • Jack The Healing Cat (Children’s Book).  Celtic Cat Publishing, 2009.
      • Trans. Last Love Poems of Paul Eluard, New Edition. Louisiana State University Press, 1981; new edition Boston: Black Widow Press, 2006.
      • Circe, After Hours. BkMk Press, University of Missouri/Kansas City, 2005. (poetry)
      • The Art of College Teaching: 28 Takes.  co-edited with April Morgan. University of Tenn. Press, 2005.
      • One For Each Night: Chanukah Tales and Recipes. Celtic Cat Publishing, 2004.
      • Sleeping with One Eye Open: Women Writers and the Art of Survival. co-edited with Judith Ortiz Cofer. University of Georgia Press, 1999.
      • Worlds in Our Words: Contemporary American Women Writers.  co-edited with Patricia Clark . Blair Press/Prentice Hall, 1996.
      • How To Get Heat Without Fire . New Messenger/New Millennium Writings, 1996. (poetry)
      • ed., A House of Gathering: Poets on May Sarton’s Poetry. University of Tennessee Press, 1993.
      • Honest Simplicity in William Carlos Williams’ “Asphodel, That Greeny Flower”. Louisiana State University Press, 1985.
      • In the Great Night . Ithaca House, 1981. (poetry)
      • Devils Live So Near. Ithaca House, 1977. (poetry)